Atmosphere Is Everything

Why Atmosphere Matters

So much of our perception of taste is derived from the environment in which an experience takes place.  This couldn’t be more true for wine.   

The physical surroundings, sounds, smells and the people with whom you taste something all affect how much or little you enjoy it.  Traveling to Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina for a day trip reinforced this for me last summer.  It reminded me that sometimes you can find great enjoyment in simple things like 2 euro, waterfall-adjacent Bosnian table wine.  

This jovial environment is exactly what the hardworking, indigenous Blatina wine is made for.  If you ever come across Blatina (also the grape name), definitely give it a try, chilled or room temperature. 

Don’t miss trying various local cuisine including great river trout, vegetables and of course the traditional Bosnian flatbread called Somun or Lepinja. It is amazing.